Explore how society works
Explore how society works
in the UK for mental
wellbeing communication
National Student Survey 2024
for teaching
on my course
National Student Survey 2024
Top 30
UK university
out of 122 institutions
Guardian University Guide 2025
Make an impact on society and shape the future

Study a mix of thought-provoking topics

Explore how personalities are shaped by culture

Focus on contemporary issues

Smaller class sizes for better learning
Sociology ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵ
Tackle important questions about the complex nature of human society and the world we live in
The twenty-first century has been a period of fast-moving change – our degrees explore the conflicts, confusion and challenges on the world around us
Select a learning level
- All
- Undergraduate
- Foundation Options

Gain real work experience
Complete work experience or placements throughout your study
Create a bridge into professional careers or further postgraduate training and undertake work placements during your studies to enhance your learning and experience.
Expert teaching staff
Be taught by staff with real world experience
Co-Director of the Institute of Education, Health and Social Sciences
Chris began his career in community work after a spell in youth work and residential child care.
Professor of Neuropsychology and Neuroscience; Co-Director of the Institute of Education, Social and Life Sciences
Antonina is a Chartered psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society as well as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Personalised teaching
Learn from lectures who know you by name
You won’t get lost in the crowd at ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵ. With classes of up to 30 people, you will grow and be supported by your academic advisors and lecturers.